Retzde Brooks is a self published author and she just recently published her first book, “The Poetry of Azenith Rose.” A must read a truly a great addition to anyone’s library.
Her second book “Twist and Thorns” is also coming soon this autumn of 2019.

Question: Tell us about your book:
Retz: “The Poetry of Azenith Rose” is intended for people who burn themselves just so they can give light to others, single mothers, parents, those who wanted freedom from the chains of life and lies, those who want to take off their masks and let go of disguise, those who are tired, those who give up their lives so others may live- this book is for all of you. To let you know somehow that you are appreciated, loved and that you are not alone. Each verses of this poetry are carefully rhymed and blended to soothe a tired soul who seeks refuge.

Question: What makes your book different from others?
Retz: I can’t speak for the others but I can speak for my book. Every lines were written with sincerity and dedication. I don’t write for marketing or fame, I write for my readers. It may sound like a cliche, but I write from my heart. There are some line I wrote with tears chasing down my face, truth be told.

Question: Aside from writing, you are also a language coach, and an entrepreneur which do you like to do best?
Retz: All of them. I believe as a modern woman, I can spread my wings with no limits and what I set my heart into with flaming passion and dedication.
Question: How do you describe yourself as a writer, as a coach and as a person?
Retz: Well, as a writer, I am very liberated,there are no limits, I write with no bounds. As a coach, some call me “brutal” as I really want to materialise potential or talents when I see them. Some say I am kind so I guess I am not the judge for that. But, as a person, I am just me, down to earth, laid back and I love peace and quiet. I would take a bullet for a friend and for the people I love.
Question: What made you decide to be a writer?
Retz: I have always wanted to be a writer but let’s face it, times are tough and I needed to support my family being the eldest child. I needed to help my parents and my family so I ventured into jobs, (yes I work 3 jobs until now) that easily brought us the resources to maintain a roof over our heads and food on our table. My brother is already an engineer and sister is now a licensed teacher and my other two siblings are in college but, it was not that hard anymore compared to the past because we can now help each other so I guess it is about time that I give way to my dreams and so I did and will continue to do so.
Question: How do you balance work, writing and family?
Retz: To be honest, if something is important to you, there will always be a way and you will find time, no excuses, you just do it.

Question: You have turned down a few high paying jobs and stick to being a freelancer, why?
Retz: Plain and simple. I love my freedom. My freedom is priceless and with all that I do now, I find my purpose, the early mornings and late nights make sense and are worth it- that’s all that matters to me regardless of the dollar sign that goes with it.
Question: Any parting words?
Retz: Yes, life is a big gamble, never be afraid to bet on yourself, “ There is nothing to lose in doing what you love”
How to connect with Retz?