Exclusive Interview with Brian Condenanza from Bidao

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It makes me cringe when I see other entrepreneurs talk about struggling. Want to see people struggling? Go to Argentina & many other countries. people there can’t get a well paid job and live fairly well even if they have a college degree! Being an entrepreneur is a decision. Nobody is making you do it. If you are an entrepreneur you should just take it and shut up about it, but that’s just my opinion.

Brian Condenanza, Bidao, Blockchain Startups
Brian Condenanza, Bidao, Blockchain Startups

For those who do not know Brian Condenanza; can you please introduce yourself? 

I don’t want to be cliché, but I guess I am an entrepreneur.

First of all, please, tell a little to our readers about your involvement in numerous successful blockchain enterprises? 

I have worked with different blockchain startups for the last few years and now mostly focused on Bidao, a decentralized finance startup.

We couldn’t help but notice your popular Tedx talk where you spoke about the virtues of transparency in our society, and how blockchain technology could be implemented into our current systems and governments, to create a more transparent and ethical world. Can you explain how you are able to juggle your busy CTO responsibilities at Bidao & work engagements with speaking? 

I rarely do public speaking though, it is something that I want to get better at for sure, and hopefully I get more opportunities like the TEDx talk you just mentioned. That was a great opportunity and even when I think I could have done better, it was a good start.

What is the biggest lesson that you have learned since you started working in the Blockchain industry? 

It is really exciting to work in a new industry like blockchain. I also like to think and read more on other industries that aren’t related to blockchain. The space can be a little toxic too, so I always keep looking into more things.

Breaking into the finance industry isn’t an easy feat. What advice would you give young people looking to form their Blockchain startup? Marketing tips? 

I think I am in no position to give advice, compared to many people who are doing much bigger things at the moment. Yet if I had to, I would say that they would have to analyze whether their startup requires blockchain or not. So many companies just add it to give it a hype factor and it ends up being their biggest mistake.

Tell us about a time you were faced with insurmountable odds, yet persevered to overcome? 

So many entrepreneurs talk about struggling and what not… I am not like that. I struggle like any human being but I just take it. Being an entrepreneur shouldn’t be so dramatic as some people try to make it to be. Especially in a new industry, it is risky but everything is. It makes me cringe when I see other entrepreneurs talk about struggling. Want to see people struggling? Go to Argentina, people there can’t get a well paid job and live fairly well even if they have a college degree. Unfortunately, I am sure it is the same situation in many other countries. Being an entrepreneur is a decision. Nobody is making you do it. If you are an entrepreneur you should just take it and shut up about it, but that’s just my opinion.

Where do you find your inspiration?

It is natural to me, I really don’t work with any end in particular but as a way to be thankful for the opportunities I have. That’s why I almost never complain about work for example. With so many people having problems finding an exciting career, I can’t complain as I work with great people. My inspiration is simply seizing the opportunities I see.

What is one thing you do when you’re feeling stuck creatively?

Watching movies or listening to music usually helps me a lot with that. I think those things really help you when you are a little lost in terms of creativity.

What would you like to achieve before the end of 2019?

Nothing in particular frankly. If you didn’t achieve what you wanted in this decade yet, I would recommend to wait a month more and start fresh in 2020…

What’s one dream you’ve achieved that you’re most proud of and why?

I think attending the Youth Assembly at the UN Headquarters was one of the best experiences I had, and it wasn’t a dream of mine as I really never considered I could ever go to the building when I was growing up. But it was a wonderful experience that I will always be thankful for.


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